Every year we host a Turkey Fry for 30+ of our closest friends. We started it in the early years of our marriage and it's just grown and evolved over time. The two constants: fried turkey and the ornament swap.
I created the ornament swap the first year we hosted this shindig and made up the rules as we went that year. I wrapped our gift in the prettiest wrapping I could find and presented it as the "best". Well, that ornament went around the room at least 15 times, being stolen again and again. Our rule, NO OPENING until the very end....so yes, you're swapping and stealing based solely on the wrapping. Genius! We know!
So after all that stealing and the back and forth, it was time to open and reveal our prizes. Our ornament, the "best" one, was a crazy, bright orange glitter ball with orange feathers. HIDEOUS and hilarious at the same time. From that moment on our gig was up and the ornament swap has taken on a life of it's own.
This year, we upped our game and now I'm left to ponder how I will outdo this next year!! Behold...the 2011 Judson Ornament....now proudly (we hope) displayed on the tree of the Rinkers......
(sorry for the poor pic, last minute shot with the phone camera)