September 10, 2011

Much Improved! [Blog Pic Tips]

I told Jason that it was imperative that I get a super fancy, way cool, very expensive camera for Christmas. I mean, the future of our little blog depends on the quality of the photo's we post on it. Therefore, I think a camera investment is the least we can do {the fact that I'd have to learn how to properly use said expensive camera to improve the photo quality is a moot point right now}. That is until I stumbled upon this amazing blog that has a post series on how to take awesome blog pics using a.....get this.....point and shoot camera!!! Speaking.My.Language. After all, a point and shoot is what I have. Two of them to be exact.

I took this pic of my camera with my other camera. 
I did NOT download this from the web!

Many thanks to Donna for sharing her knowledge so that newbies like me can have a chance at stardom without spending the green AND feeling like a complete idiot when it comes time to learn to use that fancy smancy set-up. Check out her tutorial and take better photos. Funky Junk Interiors

I'm going to share my random, and I mean random camera shots putting Donna's tips into practice.

So what do you think? How did we do?

I'm sure there is still practice and improvement to be done, but from now on we'll be taking extra effort with our blog photography so we enhance our projects! :-)

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