August 21, 2011

{New Projects} A Table and a Hillbilly Chair

Yes, our project "wants" are finally coming together! We ventured to a BBQ in Greenville, SC this weekend and brought back some awesome goodies! First, let me introduce you to the Hillbilly Chair. As you can read at the top of this blog "everything has a story" so here's the dish on this chair, seat, couch, call it what you will.

Our friend Drew, a.k.a. "Lamont", found this old couch during one of his picking trips at a school salvage sale. We have speculated that it was probably in a principals office and many a young butt have sat on it waiting for their lashing. Can you feel the history people?! We were first introduced to this treasure back in May when we took our annual "Hillbilly Thaw" camping trip. A group of us friends get together for a weekend of lake camping and we've started a tradition of seeing what new hillbilly antics we can come up with. Drew raised the bar when he brought out this couch for lounging. I.....fell in love....with the couch. It's surprisingly comfy and sturdy.

You can see that we really did use it. As of this weekend Jason and I are the proud new owners of the hillbilly couch and we're scratching our heads trying to figure out just what to do with it. We need your help. What do you suggest we do with this awesome piece of history that has had such a great introduction into our circle? Paint, stain, recover? Leave us your comments.

The other great piece that I am T-TOTALLYTHRILLED with is the kitchen table I've been longing for. Ms. Carolyn (Drew's the crew's mom and an amazing lady) happily handed over her old table for some TLC. All three boys have memories of meals they've eaten at this table and I feel privileged to know that we now possess such a great piece of  furniture associated with so many stories. We're planning to serve many more meals on it ourselves.

Here's the before.....I absolutely can't wait to get started on this and reveal the after! Stay tuned.....
As always, thanks for reading!


  1. Tracy Turner8/9/11

    Cant wait to see the HillBilly Couch transformation! The table too for that matter.

  2. Me too!! If I could only shake off these regular chores and things to be done so we could FOCUS long enough to really work on those projects.
